The Halftime Model Part 1: What is it?

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For most leaders, at a certain age you’ll find yourself naturally leaning towards thoughts of self-reflection and questioning. That natural break point in your life is known as the halftime of life. It’s that time where you look back at the first half of your life, check the scoreboard and adjust the game plan for the second half.

Today’s conversation is part one of a two-part series and we’re exploring the halftime model as a concept. What is halftime and how does it work? When is the halftime of life? What questions will you ask yourself? In becoming the consummate leader by attraction, understanding the halftime model will help you improve the way you lead and will give you a framework for approaching your goals, aspirations, and ambitions.

On this episode, Mathew and I talk about how the halftime model was developed, where it fits in the timeline of life, the type of self-reflection that happens at halftime, why you should become your own cheerleader, the different approach to halftime for second and third generation leaders in family businesses, and so much more!

What do you think are you in the halftime of your life? If you’ve already passed the halftime, what advice would you want to pass on to the next person who hasn’t quite approached it? We’d love to hear your experiences.

Be sure to join us next week when we’ll be doing part two on the halftime model where we’ll dive into what halftime means specifically for leaders at the midpoint in life and how to finish well.

Key Topics:

  • Mathew shares a little about his story and where he is in relation to the halftime of life (2:44)
  • Why it doesn’t matter whether your career has taken a direct or an evolving path to halftime (5:00)
  • The development of the halftime model (6:04)
  • The connection between Bob Buford, the creator of the halftime model, and Peter Drucker (7:02)
  • The halftime metaphor (8:00)
  • Where halftime fits in the timeline of life (10:47)
  • The main developments of the first quarter of life (11:12)
  • How most people realize they’ve reached halftime (14:16)
  • The type of self-reflection that happens at halftime (14:58)
  • Evaluating meaning and purpose after years of pursuing society’s standards for success (15:16)
  • Why you have to become your own cheerleader (18:40)
  • How halftime affects second and third generation leaders of closely held legacy businesses (20:13)
  • The impact of increased longevity and changing workplace dynamics on people’s expectations for their life and work (22:58)
  • And much more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for a PDF version of the transcript

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