The Halftime Model Part 2: Developing Your Humility as a Leader

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Last week, in part one of this two-part series on the Halftime Model, we explored halftime as a concept, how it works, and the types of questions you’ll asking yourself as it approaches. Today we’re diving deeper to the next level of the halftime of life and if you’re approaching the halftime, we want to help you to develop the tools you’ll need to have a meaningful conversation with yourself about where you are today and where you want to be in the second half.

Life is perplexing and societal pressure leaves a lot of us with our heads down, chasing the dream of career success, marked by power and money. But I’m here to tell you: it will not be enough. Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, there are certain questions you should ask yourself to cultivate the right mindset to live a full and significant life. These questions, combined with the principles shared by Bob Buford in Finishing Well, make up a framework that will help you navigate the halftime and avoid the territory of the midlife crisis.

On this episode, Matthew and I discuss the 20 questions you should ask yourself today, how self-reflection about the halftime can help you to become a better leader, the effects of a midlife crisis on leadership, why significance is more important than success, how you can benefit from the self-reflection of halftime even if you’re not yet at that age, and so much more!

How do you feel about halftime? Has this discussion made you think differently about your life as you approach or come through halftime? Have you had a new revelation as you hit the third or fourth quarter? Do you think we missed anything? We want to hear about the impact these conversations are having on you. So be sure to share your experiences with us.

Key Topics:

  • A sample of the questions everyone should ask themselves around the halftime of their lives (1:54)
  • Why you should start asking yourself these questions in your 20s and 30s (4:40)
  • The competitive advantage for twentysomethings who are already asking themselves these questions (4:57)
  • A quick sidebar about the demographics of the average podcast listener (6:16)
  • Differentiating between a midlife crisis and halftime (7:21)
  • An impromptu teachable moment about the importance of listening to being a good leader (9:14)
  • The effects of a midlife crisis on leadership (11:23)
  • How self-reflection about halftime will help you to be a better leader (12:07)
  • Some of the important principles you should consider building your second half on (13:41)
  • Why you should focus on achieving significance more than success (14:21)
  • My thoughts on leaders who fill their office walls with their personal achievements (16:48)
  • The lack of lasting fulfillment that comes from chasing power and money (18:37)
  • A word of caution for the super-planners (20:45)
  • The right time to say no (23:02)
  • Why you need to think about harvest time (24:09)
  • The important most seeds for you to plant (25:40)
  • And much more! 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for a PDF version of the transcript

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