Welcome to Sheer Clarity

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Welcome to Sheer Clarity!

I’m your host, J. Kevin McHugh and for the past twenty years, I’ve helped hundreds of CEOs become better leaders through executive coaching. I’m so excited to launch this podcast and share my insights and resources with you to help you make improvements in the way that you lead and the way that you live

I’ll be joining you each and every week to share my experiences, as well as the tools, techniques, and resources you can use in your own life to gain sheer clarity as you become the consummate leader by attraction.

We’ll be breaking down what sheer clarity means for you and how to build your self-awareness and develop exceptional self-management abilities that will help you become more reflective, more open, more trusting and more engaging with the people who matter to you the most – in other words, make you a better leader.

In this episode, I’m joined by my co-host and producer, Mathew Passy, and we talk about who we are, why the show was created and what you can expect from the show. We also cover my introduction to executive coaching, our experiences with both negative and attractive leaders, how I help CEOs and other C-level executives build a self-management skillset, my model for becoming a leader by attraction and so much more!

Key Topics:

  • Why it’s important for leaders to get in touch with their core energy, behavioral foundation, and self-image (8:00)
  • The increasing importance of being able to admit your weaknesses as you move up the corporate hierarchy (8:34)
  • How a one-man play evolved into this podcast (9:28)
  • Why we decided not to Get Naked (11:34)
  • Walking the fine line that is “appropriate vulnerability” (13:23)
  • What “sheer clarity” really means (14:42)
  • Lessons from the Stockdale paradox (17:13)
  • Becoming a better leader by caring about your people (19:13)
  • An introduction to the three legs of the stool – trust, honesty and appropriate vulnerability (19:57)
  • The importance of feedback (21:23)
  • And much more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Why it’s important for leaders to get in touch with their core energy, behavioral foundation, and self-image (8:00)
  • The increasing importance of being able to admit your weaknesses as you move up the corporate hierarchy (8:34)
  • How a one-man play evolved into this podcast (9:28)
  • Why we decided not to Get Naked (11:34)
  • Walking the fine line that is “appropriate vulnerability” (13:23)
  • What “sheer clarity” really means (14:42)
  • Lessons from the Stockdale paradox (17:13)
  • Becoming a better leader by caring about your people (19:13)
  • An introduction to the three legs of the stool – trust, honesty and appropriate vulnerability (19:57)
  • The importance of feedback (21:23)
  • And much more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Click here for a PDF version of the transcript

Thanks for Listening!

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